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About Me

My name is Matthias Markus Hinz. I am a research associate and PhD student from Germany with a Master's degree in Geoinformatics from the University of Münster. I am currently working at the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH) and the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) on the project OTC-Stone, where I am working on automated AI-based boulder detection in sonar data.

After graduation, I came to the University of Rostock where I worked for the e-learning project OpenGeoEdu and the regional planning project PROSPER-RO.

I am passionate about Geographic Information Science and Technology because it has a positive impact on the environment and society. I believe that it can help people in many different ways. My works include data science, remote sensing, spatial statistics, and software development for desktop and web-based applications. My most recent job also gave me experience in handling sonar and hydrographic data.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me, if you take an interest in my activities or if you want to introduce me to your project.

Professional Skills

IT Skills

Programming languages: Java and R, basic knowledge in C++ and C#
Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Linked Data
Databases: Relational Databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, PostGIS)
Operating Systems: Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows
GIS applications: ArcGIS, ArcGIS for Server, QGIS, OGC Web Services, Geodatabases (e.g. PostGIS)

For practical examples, see my public activities at GitHub and Open Hub.


German:  Native language
English: Proficient user
Medium of instruction in my past Master's studies
Spanish: Independent user
Certified UNIcert® II level, equals B2 of the CEFR (view certificate)
Basic knowledge in French and Korean (which I would like to extend in future)

Works and Projects

This section presents some of my former works that I can share. Until now, it only contains content from before I started working full-time, but I plan to push updates when I can. I hope readers find them interesting, inspiring, and useful. The articles include downloads, live demos, and external links to further reading. Please leave me your comments.

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Reproducible research with Docker and R, December 2016 to March 2017

“Put your app into a container, and it runs from everywhere!” — Docker allows packaging data and software into isolated containers that can be ported and shared. While you might spend many hours trying to install a program on your computer until it runs as it should, the container will run immediately. An appealing prospect, especially to data scientists!

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Communicating meaning and purpose of spatio-temporal data analysis

Master's Thesis, September 2016

In which part of a Malian city do the children suffer more often from malaria? How did the population of an immigrated bird species increase over recent decades? Spatio-temporal statistics can give answers to these questions. On the other hand, even for experts, it can be difficult to interpret the data and to understand how and why they were generated. In my Master’s thesis, I followed a semantic approach toward this problem. You can download the text from here.

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Rice Mapping in Europe

External studies in Spain, October 2014 to July 2015

During my Master’s program, I spent ten months at the University Jaume I in Castellón, Spain. It was an exciting time, as I could join the European research projects GI-N2K and ERMES. ERMES built up a rice information service that assists the European farmers and rice industry; GI-N2K provides guidance to the European education system of geospatial professionals.

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Contact Me


Rostock, Germany

Former residences:
Münster (Westf.), Germany
Castellón de la Plana, Spain
Nordhausen, Germany (hometown)

+49 1522 9438152

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